Vision and Mission with Fuzzy Edges

I am a 24-year old with a postgrad in Literature - Indian, female. I am a jack-of-all-trades kind of person, I nerd out on a lot of things - books, music, history, clouds, colours, art, food, psychology, philosophy, technology. Things that do not immediately excite me (video games, automobile, corporate culture, marketing, etc.) tend to draw me into studying them as processes - observing the micro-processes that can be categorized purely into one or the other areas I am interested in. In short, therefore, I like studying things - many I am naturally attracted to, but in my world, almost all are worth knowing about. Fact - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a book I always go back to when I am slipping away (which is often). Fuzzy edges are, indeed, truly enabling.

A subscription to my newsletter will give you all of those things - and the things that you, if you are like me, must have read between the lines. Yes, you’ll get the failures and the mediocrity too; inelegance and dissonance are not unlikely every now and then. However, I can promise you this - you will consistently find something to be excited about, even if it is an excitement about boring stuff (recommendation - A Philosophy of Boredom by Lars Svendsen is another excellent book). I think this world can be a better place if we develop a sincerity for being curious.

Fact - I have been having a very tough time being myself - being all that I said I was above - since a few years now. Moving out of home, being diagnosed with anxiety-depression, dealing with the underside of academia, and recently the pandemic - things have been a supernova explosion forcefully erased from time and memory. This is my attempt to find joy. I have come to believe that happiness is a habit one must practise in order to perfect; my road to happiness passes through knowledge, both internal and external. I hope that Chase is able to share that joy with you - the joy of holding an idea in our hands, turning it 360, observing its spots, angles, quirks, remembering it as a wonderful element in this weird thing we call the universe.

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A newsletter about reconciliations - literature, science, philosophy, from the routine to the sublime - a messy little bit of everything exciting.


Literary mournings of a literature lover who suddenly finds herself in the 21st century, chasing a romance with intelligent technology.